Engineering Insights & Education

How Can a Private Provider Help with Permitting Services?

Written by Legacy Engineering | Nov 3, 2023 12:06:55 PM

What private providers can do for you be broken down into three simple steps. Plan review, permit submittal, and inspections. We offer each of those services individually or all together. For example, you may use the city for inspections but have us submit your permit. For over 20 years, Legacy Engineering has provided these services in compliance with the Florida law.

We, at Legacy, are licensed to review plans and inspect construction while ensuring all standards meet the Florida Building Code.   



As a private provider, Legacy will be with you every step of the way. A private provider can assist with expediting the permitting process by letting us handle the building departments. If you are working on a large or complex project, a private provider can walk you through the entire permitting process per your jurisdiction. You may decide to use whichever service best suits your project but it is important to consider that using all three will streamline the entire process.

Instead of searching through county websites and sifting for paperwork, Legacy will provide an entire permit package.



After the required paperwork is filled out and returned, private providers will review and make sure all information is accurate and submit your forms to the county. Communication with building officials and departments can sometimes be troublesome but using a private provider will eliminate those challenges. Even if we are not completing your inspections, we as a private provider, will walk you through not only the Florida Building Code but will help you correct any holds and ensure a smooth inspection procedure.  


To reiterate, Legacy Engineering separately offers plan review, inspections, and permit submittal. Legacy Engineering can offer any of these services as desired for your project and will help streamline the entire process which saves you time and ensure that your project adheres to jurisdictional regulations. We are happy to offer guidance throughout your project’s journey. Utilizing our services is recommended if you want the smoothest permit process possible.